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A Collection Of Great Ideas For Primary English Language Teaching Dissertation

When you are trying to write a proper language teaching dissertation in English, you are bound to face tons of challenges. Foremost among them is the process of choosing the right topic. You have to come up with a good and interesting topic to write your paper on which will allow you to showcase your knowledge and writing skills and get good grades. At the same time, it needs to be unique enough to hook the attention of the readers and keep them interested. This is easier said than done, however, since you need to do a lot of research to find ideal e-learning dissertation topics. We’ve made the process easier by listing a few of the best below.

List of dissertation topics in English language teaching

  • How is it possible to analyze the questioning strategies, learners’ outcomes and feedback of the English language teachers?
  • What do you know about the culture of learning and the good teacher in English speaking countries? Answer this question from the viewpoint of the students.
  • How would you analyze an interaction between the teacher and student in a classroom setting? Is it feasible to use classroom observation?
  • Role of silence in English classroom interaction
  • Conduct a comprehensive study on the power distance dimension along with the methodology
  • You must conduct a seminar to improve the quality of writing in a senior year English language teaching class. What sort of possibilities and limitations are you likely to face in the process?
  • What sort of effects are present owing to uncertainty avoidance regarding the process of interaction taking place within a classroom setting?
  • Point out the clear differences that are present between consciousness-raising and deductive approaches in the path to English language instruction. How do these affect learner preferences?
  • What sort of problems does an English language teacher face while trying to teach the language to foreign students? Is it ideal to keep track of the issues using a tally sheet along with a short and brief ethnographic-style commentary?
  • What sort of difficulties do students have to contend with when trying to write in the English language? What sort of strategies would you suggest that could help with the problem? Are there any potential side-effects that need to be kept in mind?
  • How ideal is it to action research investigate the amount of teacher talk that goes on in a regular English language teaching classroom?
  • What do you understand of some of the turn-taking strategies that are utilized by native English speaking teachers? In the process, conduct a limited, comparative study that takes into account the tentative pedagogical impact of teaching English language to foreign language speaking students.
  • Conduct a study on the various cultural values and dimensions of power within the circle of role relations of an English language speaking classroom.
  • Observe some of the most prominent English language teaching strategies along with uncertainty avoidance that goes on in an English language learning classroom in a non-native English speaking country.
  • How can one evaluate the appropriateness of adopting a proper CLT approach within the classroom setting of an English language conversation?
  • What do you mean by reactive tokens in the context of turning points?
  • Is it possible to teach grammar using genuine materials? What are some of the disadvantages and benefits of a deductive approach?
  • Can students use a process approach to improve their writing based on extracts of their own work?